Facts About Music and Autism

For those with autism, music can provide a wonderful alternative means of communicating. Music is a universal part of human communication and can often be more powerful than words. Music provides an easily accessible, creative platform for people with autism to explore the expressive ‘music of communication’ without the burden of words, as they often show a preference for non-verbal sounds.

Music is truly multi-sensory connecting multiple areas of the brain across both the left and the right hemisphere. Music therapy often uses singing to reach, stimulate, and engage clients who find it difficult to communicate verbally. Bnbmusiclessons.com have pulled together a great infographic on surprising facts about music and autism shown below.

Skoog 2.0
Skoog 2.0

Skoog provides an alternative means to access music and support communication. Encouraging participation, sympathetic engagement and social skills for those with autism through melody and rhythm. Skoog can provide a valuable tool for non-verbal communication and self-expression for many with ASD. The shape, colour and tactile nature of Skoog are key factors in working with children with autism, helping to establish a safe point of interaction between the teacher / therapist / carer and the child. 

Image credit: bnbmusiclessons.com

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